LED UV Light Mask
LED light therapy is a natural and completely non-invasive beauty treatment for all ages, skin types, and skin tones. It’s fantastic for all-round skin health, delivering energy into the skin’s cells to boost collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
It hydrates and plumps your skin leaving you with a lovely glow and even skin tone, and is fantastic for those with more problematic or sensitive skin, correcting irregularities, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Treatment types include Violet, Blue, Green, Red & Infrared

Key Benefits
Prevents, repairs and maintains ageing skins | Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles | Boosts collagen and elastin production | Improves skin tone and texture
Aids cell detoxification | helping in the prevention and treatment of glycation | Increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the target area | Improves lasting hydration in the skin | Treats active acne, dermatitis, rosacea & psoriasis
Strengthens the skin | Prepares the skin pre and post UV exposure | Powerful healing treatment, whilst reducing the potential of scarring | Calms the melanocytes and improves pigmentation
Wondering if LED UV Light Mask is right for you?
What Skin Conditions Can Led Therapy Treat?
What is a LED Facial & How Does it Work?
What LED Treatments Do We Provide?
Who Are LED Treatments For?
Are There Any Adverse Effects From This Treatment?
Before or After Care
LED UV Light Mask currently does not have any particular requirements for before or after care, all we ask is that you treat your skin kindly!