Microneedling in essence is a cosmetic treatment done to encourage your body to produce collagen through the healing process and this is done by pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles.
The idea behind microneedling is to improve the appearance and texture of your skin.
To help with this process, active solutions containing collagen, vitamins and other beneficial ingredients are applied and penetrate the deeper layers of the skin through these tiny channels, to maximise the benefits.
Here at Sukh Beauty Skin Clinic we have specific appointments available to tackle fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks and cellulite as well as any general areas where you may benefit from a microneedling treatment.

Key Benefits
There are many benefits to microneedling, some of these can include:
Improvements in fine lines and deeper wrinkles, reduction of acne scars, less noticeable stretch marks, heal scars, as well as firming and smoothing skin texture.
Where overall skin appearance is concerned microneedling can help to even out skin tones, lighten hyperpigmentation and/or sun spots, reduce the appearance of pores, reduce broken capillaries and or spider veins and improve your skin to look fresher and healthier.
Wondering if Microneedling is right for you?
How does microneedling work?
Are there Aftercare requirements?
Is Microneedling Safe?
How will the skin look after treatment?
Before or After Care
After Care
An in Depth aftercare requirements will be gone over with you from your skincare professional.
To get the most out of your microneedling treatment and to help your skin recover the most important thing for you is to treat your skin gently for at least 3 day after getting a microneedling treatment. After this period you should be able to resume your usual skincare routine.
Keep your face clean!
Using a clean hands gentle cleanser and lukewarm water to cleanse your face for the 72 hour period post-treatment and be gentle when drying your skin.
Do not use Clarisonic or other powered cleansing brushes for at least a week after your treatment, gentle cleansing is the key here!
Active ingredients to avoid during the healing process: Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula) scrubs or anything perceived as “active” skincare for one week post treatment.
To help aid in the healing process serum antioxidants can be used post treatment to aid in soothing your skin and reducing irritation.
Hydrating your skin
If your skin feels drier than normal you can use gentle products which contain Hyaluronic Acid to increase hydration and help with balanced skin.
To stimulate your skin into producing collagen which microneedling has begun it can be a good idea to use collagen-stimulating peptides as this can aid in the production of collagen.
Our recommendation is to not apply any makeup to the skin for 24-72 hours after the procedure is done. An especially important part of this is that any make-up brush you normally use should not be applied to the skin as it can cause irritation, this is especially true if the brush is not clean.
Immediately after the procedure, your skin professional will apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB, SPF 25 or greater sunscreen to your skin.We recommend a chemical-free sunscreen.
Being in New Zealand sunscreen should be an essential part of your skincare routine and we encourage you to use it every day in the sun or cloud. Sunscreen is great at blocking unwanted UV rays and prevent the after effects of aging from the sun.
Tanning beds and any direct sunlight should be avoided for at least 72 hours post treatment.
Any strenuous activity should be avoided for the first 72 hours post treatment. Gym environments and sweating should be avoided where possible to avoid adverse reactions to your skin.
In the summer months especially swimming should be avoided.