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Key Benefits
CryoPen is an advanced cryosurgery device that works as a faster, cleaner more effective and safer new solution for removal of skin imperfections. The difference is in the high precision applicator, which doesn't require direct contact with the skin and won't damage surrounding tissue, unlike cotton swabs and tips.
Why Cryopen?
What is Cryosurgery
Cryosurgery, sometimes referred to as cryotherapy, is a procedure using nitrous oxide to freeze and destroy benign skin lesions such as warts, skin tags, sun spots, freckles, pre-checked moles and other skin growths and imperfections. The lesions inter-cellular fluid is frozen, forming ice crystals, which subsequently destroy the cell.
How long are CryoPen treatments?
The penetration rate of freezing with the CryoPen is approximately 1mm per 5 seconds, with a maximum freezing depth of 3 to 6mm depending on the used applicator. The duration of the treatment time will depend on the surface area and the thickness of the tissue being treated. Upon clinical evaluation of the thickness of the lesion, the operator will choose an application time of 1 to 30 seconds.
Is the treatment painful?
There will be a pain sensation similar to a ballpoint pen being pushed onto the skin when the nitrous oxide reaches the bottom of the lesion. There might be a little residual stinging for a few minutes after treatment. Occasionally, a blister might form and persist for a few hours.
Will there be a follow up session?
A follow up visit is recommended after 2 to 4 weeks to confirm that all pathological tissue has disappeared or if a follow up treatment is necessary.
Darker skin types may need repeated short freezing cycles of 3 to 6 seconds at two week intervals.
We can discuss any follow up treatments that may be needed with you during or after your session with us.
Are there any side effects?
CryoPen Therapy is relatively low risk. There are a few side effects that may
occur as a result of treatment, including:
• Pigmentary changes (hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation)
• Nerve damage (particularly in areas where nerves lie close to the surface of the skin, on fingers, wrist, area behind the ear)
• Minor shards of frozen ice may blow out which will thaw on contact with healthy skin.
• Hair follicle damage and permanent alopecia (especially when treating lesions on sites with coarse terminal hair).
Before or After Care
We do not currently have any particular requirements for before or after care for Removal of Skin Warts & Tags. We do however ask that you treat your skin kindly.
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